日期: 2017/05/25 作者: 浏览量:
2017年5月24日上午,美国Rice大学生物工程系Foyt Family讲席教授,CPRIT资深学者,核蛋白及其纳米医学中心主任包刚来我校作了题为“Engineering Magnetic Naoparticles for Molecular Imaging and Therapy”的学术报告。报告会在生命科学研究中心101报告厅举行,由生科院周军教授主持,相关专业的老师和学生积极参加了此次报告。
Dr. Gang Bao is the Foyt Family Chair Professor in the Department ofBioengineering, Rice University. He is a CPRIT Senior Scholar and the Directorof Nanomedicine Center for Nucleoprotein Machines at Rice. Dr. Bao receivedhis undergraduate and Master’s degrees from Shandong University in China, andhis PhD from Lehigh University in the US. Dr. Bao is a Fellow of the AmericanAssociation of Advancement in Science (AAAS), a Fellow of the AmericanSociety of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), a Fellow of the American PhysicalSociety (APS), and a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and BiologicalEngineering (AIMBE).
Dr. Bao’s current research is focused on the development of nanotechnology andbiomolecular engineering tools for biological and disease studies, includingmolecular beacons, magnetic nanoparticle probes, quantum dot bioconjugates,protein tagging/targeting methods, and engineered nucleases such asCRISPR/Cas9. These approaches have been applied to the diagnosis andtreatment of cancer and cardiovascular disease, and the development of genomeediting approaches for treating single-gene disorders.